
Deep-sea Rigs: Sitting Ducks for Terror Strikes

By Dr. Kishore Vaangal
₹ 1,490.00

Subject : (Geopolitics/Defence/IR)
About The Book :

Set in the genre of Terrorism studies, “Deepsea Rigs – Sitting Ducks for Terror Strikes” is the first of a series of books and it is all about the Maritime (Deep-sea Rigs/Offshore) Verticals and the ways and means to thwart terror attacks and to protect the fragile marine ecological systems. It explores the world of Maritime, ways to thwart terror attacks and protect the fragile marine ecological systems. Deep-sea rigs, those towering structures in the heart of the ocean, are more than just oil and gas extraction platforms. They become unwitting targets for nefarious forces seeking chaos and destruction. As the world’s energy demands grow, so does the strategic importance of these offshore installations. But they are also exposed, isolated, and vulnerable—sitting ducks waiting for disaster. Beyond the human threat lies the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. How can we safeguard these underwater habitats while safeguarding our energy resources. From advanced surveillance systems to rapid response protocols, this book uncovers the strategies to protect deep-sea rigs. It’s a race against time, where every decision matters.

About the Author :

Dr. Kishore Vaangal, Ph.D., is an intellectual at heart, a compassionate capitalist, and an inveterate scholar. “Many Mistakes" is the title of his forthcoming biography and whilst he has served and continues/attempts to serve diligently and righteously as an entrepreneur (DICE verticals – Defense, Infrastructure, Climate Change, and Emerging Technologies) with a marked predilection for effectuating on inclusive growth, he remains steadfast in his commitment to upholding righteousness in all its hues even if were to mean and denote ... talking truth to power. Ejusdem Generis as an independent and unaffiliated scholar and governance evangelist ... he has worked astutely in the realms of Jurisprudence, Economics, Security Studies & Geostrategic Issues in a fearless and forthright manner. He has several feathers to his cap – seminal publications, prestigious global recognitions apropos eventuating on perceptive scholarship, effectuating on insightful mercantilism, and the aforementioned apart, he has several advanced accreditations to his credit from some of the most prestigious global institutions. Suffice it to state, he is committed to upholding the enlightened wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita in his forays – Entrepreneurship, political/corporate/economic/anti-terrorism Governance & Scholarship – Enlightened & Evolved SERVANT Leadership (Approaches based on Zero-tolerance to Corruption and Cronyism), inclusive growth, compassionate capitalism and in the dispassionate spread of knowledge. He features in the Who's Who of the World, and above all, his endeavors are always characterized by pristine ethical underpinnings.

WEIGHT 650 Gms
DIMENSIONS 6.14 X 9.21 In